Six individuals who earned their degrees at Northwestern Oklahoma State University will be honored for their accomplishments on Saturday, April 27, 2024, during the Northwestern Spring Alumni Reunion Banquet.
Northwestern Oklahoma State Athletics is naming the basketball court inside Percefull Fieldhouse after two historic coaches in Ranger history. The dedication ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 2 between the men's and women's games.
Northwestern Sports Hall of Fame recognizes and honors outstanding achievement by Northwestern student-athletes, coaches and others whose efforts contribute to the success of athletics at Northwestern. The event will be held Saturday, January 27, 2024.
The Northwestern Oklahoma State University Retirement Reception will take place Thursday, May 4 from 3 - 4:00 pm in the Ranger Room. Kevin Fields, Dr. Cornelia Mihai, Dr. Steven Palmer and Dr. Shelly Wells will be honored.
Five Northwestern Oklahoma State University alumni have been selected as the 2023 Outstanding Graduates. This year’s Outstanding Graduates include Dr. Madison Campbell, Kevin Evans, Donnie Rader, Jimmy Richey and Nicole Steuart.
Baseball, Hot Dogs & Apple Pie is sponsored by the Northwestern Foundation & Alumni Association in partnership with Northwestern's Enid Campus.
Northwestern alumni and former Ranger baseball coaches and players are encouraged to attend!