William Darrell Wessels Scholarship Established

Alva, Oklahoma – Darrell Wessels established the William Darrell Wessels Scholarship in Nursing because nurses are dear to his family’s heart. Wessels hopes to prepare Northwestern nursing students for their future lives and recognizes there will always be a need for nurses.

Wessels enjoyed being a student at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and graduated in 1963. His major was mathematics. Wessels stayed connected to Northwestern by substitute teaching math classes and tutoring students.

Wessels resides in Cherokee, Okla. He spent his career as a cattle and wheat farmer. Wessels and his wife, Grace, attend Northwestern activities and athletic events throughout every year and plan to continue their fellowship with students and staff.

“This is just another chapter in the way Darrell Wessels has positively impacted Northwestern,” said Dr. Bo Hannaford, Northwestern president. “I truly enjoy seeing Darrell and his wife, Grace, at so many events here on campus. Nursing continues to be a major focus for Northwestern, and this gift toward a scholarship will have a tremendous impact for years to come.”

Applicants must be continuing full-time students pursuing a major in nursing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

For more information on the William Darrell Wessels Scholarship in Nursing or about investing in Northwestern students, contact Skeeter Bird at 580-327-8593 or email at [email protected].


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