Carmae Jones, '24

Carmae Jones owns laser focus, and it has served her well at Northwestern. In her final undergraduate year before walking across the commencement stage in May 2024, Jones successfully balanced two full class schedules, including a final 24-hour class semester; 27 volleyball games in the 2023 season; an internship at the Woods County Economic Development office; and volunteer activities.  

“In everything I did, my mom would say ‘Focus. Don’t forget to focus,’” Jones said. “The discipline to stay on target came from both of my parents at a very young age. My dad was into sports and encouraged me to do my best. It was always ‘aim high.’”

While earning her business administration degree, the student-athlete kept herself in top physical shape in the J.R. Holder Wellness Center. She was visibly attentive to each exercise; her eyes never wavered as her mind counted the reps. Jones was intent on excellence in performance.

The volleyball player showed the same drive for excellence in competition. She was deliberate on delivering her best. Her kills – when an attack is unreturnable – were swift. She aptly supported her team with flawless blocks and assists.

Jones’ keen focus also brought her success in the classroom.

“Carmae was one of the top students in the Division of Business,” said Dr. Garrett Lahr, Chair, Division of Business and assistant professor of business. “She excelled both inside and outside of the classroom while at NWOSU. I know she will go on to do great things.”

Jones attended the Spring Showcase – an introduction to Northwestern designed for high school seniors and transfer students – before graduating as valedictorian at Carl Albert High School, Midwest City, Okla.

“It wasn’t the typical college tour with a coach,” Jones recalled. “I was able to gain a perspective of both academics and athletics. I met and visited with so many people. I loved going to the football game. I fell in love with the university because it felt like home. Everyone welcomed me and treated me like family. It has been that way ever since.

“I credit my family for the inspiration and motivation to push forward. Beyond them, I have been blessed with faculty at Northwestern who have always been there to help me through any challenge. Throughout my time as an athlete, coaches have seen potential in me that I hadn’t seen yet. They pushed me to a level I didn’t realize I could achieve.”

Returning to Northwestern

Jones has returned to Northwestern to earn her Master of Business Administration degree with concentration in the health care option.

“A goal with an MBA is to further my understanding of business management concepts and how to utilize them in the healthcare industry,” said Jones. “My ultimate goal is to provide strong leadership and drive improvements across healthcare industries.”

There is no doubt this Ranger will continue to lead in her future.


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