Northwestern Leadership Trust

In 2020, the leadership of Northwestern Oklahoma State University elected to make a strategic move to secure funding for a long-term student leadership emphasis at Northwestern with the creation of the Northwestern Leadership Trust. This endowment replaces the President’s Association (originally the Presidential Partners program).

The institutional emphasis on freedom of thought, independent research, thorough analysis and critical thinking established Northwestern as a highly successful creator of young leaders who have grown to make a huge impact on our world.

The Northwestern Leadership Trust, like the programs before, will continue to support the President’s Leadership Class (PLC). PLC, led by the University president, is a highly competitive program for first-time freshmen that allows Northwestern to attract the best and brightest students from the region. As the endowment grows, additional programs will be supported.

If you would like to join us in the long-term vision of growing future leaders at Northwestern, please call us at (580) 327-8594. If you prefer to make your gift online, Click Here and select NW Leadership Trust to make your donation.